Online Auricular Detox Examination Form
Auricular Acupuncture for Detox & Stress Management 2 Day Certificate Course
Next course is Saturdays:
10 & 11 May 2025
The cost of the course is £250
There is an additional £30 certification fee payable through paypal on submission of your safety and proficiency examination
Contact Dragomir on or 0797 6253 682
Website :
OutlineReturn to Top ↑
The course is based on 2 eight-hour sessions.
The course centres on a specialised treatment that is used to control symptoms of tension, irritability, hypersensitivity, anxiety, depression and other states of functional and nervous imbalance associated with withdrawal of opiates, nicotine and alcohol as well as stress.
The emphasis of the course falls on the practical application of auricular acupuncture for alcohol and drug rehabilitation and stress management. It covers when auricular acupuncture is suitable, how to assess (diagnose) patient’s needs, plan and discuss the treatment and obtain his/hers consent. It focuses on how to accurately locate and effectively needle ear points.
There will be an eight-hour theoretical lecture during the first session, which covers:
- basic TCM and acupuncture theory
- anatomy of the ear
- history and general concepts of auricular therapy
- health and safety issues and precautions/ contraindications for auricular acupuncture
- basic pathology and diagnosis of drug withdrawal and stress
The remainder of the course (second eight-hour session) will concentrate on practical work. Auricular points location and needling is practised in pairs. Developing good acupuncture technique will enable students to practice in this specialised area of auricular therapy with confidence.
Successful graduates will be awarded a Certificate in Auricular Acupuncture for Detox and Stress Management and will be entitled to use the initials Cert Au DSM after thier names and will be accepted as a members of the Acupuncture Society. (annual membership £100 and student and proffessional indemnity cover cover can also be arranged)
Members of the Acupuncture Society, and are entitled to use the initials MAcS Au DSM after their names.
The annual membership to the Acupuncture Society is £100
Content Return to Top ↑
Course Objectives
The course aims to train proficient, confident, enthusiastic, caring and considerate therapists, who offer auricular acupuncture for drug and alcohol withdrawal and stress as an integrated or stand-alone treatment.
Auricular acupuncture is a powerful therapeutic technique, which can make a valuable contribution to the patient recovery and rehabilitation program.
The syllabus includes point location on each other with an electronic locator and needle practice on an ear modal as well as on fellow students, pictures are taken to show the correct positioning of needles and explanations are given about the contra indications and side effects, when to decline to treat someone, treatment outcomes, safe application, hygiene, safe withdrawal and disposal of needles, the importance of wearing gloves during needle withdrawal.
How to avoid syncope, stop bleeding safely, and revive a client from syncope or weakness following treatment. This includes safe positioning of patients to avoid accidents and incidents, how to avoid needle stick injury.
How to use an electrical point locator and how traditional Chinese practitioners use probes and cauterisation, the use of magnets vs press needles (which are not recommended), stimulation methods, the different systems of French, English and Chinese versions of point location, history, ethics, how to take case histories, student insurance requirements and acupuncture society student registration.
We ask students familiarise themselves with Acupuncture Societies ethical code and rules of professional behaviour. Optimal Treatment duration’s are discussed
Scientific research study is encouraged is and research into the possible mechanisms of how auricular acupuncture works. We also teach relevant TCM theory and auricular anatomy.
Modules Return to Top ↑
1st Session
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical lecture
3. Starting needle practice and point location
4. Discussion – questions & comments
Homework: puncturing practice. Points location
2nd Session
1. Needle practice
2. Demonstration of the treatment on all participants
3. Locating the ear points using the point locator
4. Doing each others ears – using the point locator
5. Each student doing real time auricular acupuncture (under supervision) on 4-5 patients
6. Final discussion
7. Presenting the Certificates of Proficiency in Auricular Acupuncture for Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation and Stress Management
To complete the course students are required to carry out and submit case studies of 10 treatments (minimum of 5 different patients treated twice). Upon receiving the case studies (and the annual membership fee), students are accepted as Auricular Members of the Acupuncture Society and Certificates of Membership is issued.
There is an Online examination to ensure patient safety and practitioner proficiency (£30 fee), Please complete the online examination below, and upload your case histories to the examination form:
Format for cases histories see below:
Format for the 10 case histories to be attached to your examination submission:
Minimum of 5 patients seen at least twice, more cases or follow up sessions are welcomed
Each session should be a maximum of 1 month apart
Ensure you ask patient about whether they are pregnant, haven’t eaten, are drunk or stoned even from the night before, are prone to fainting and that they have taken their prescribed medication. In these events decline treatment
Also ensure that they are lying face up on the couch whilst administering treatment and that you have arranged student insurance cover
Name is not necessary but use patient 1, 2, 3, etc.
Medical history
Main condition which you are treating
Name the acupoints which you have used in each treatment
State whether you used needles or magnets and whether these were also placed or embedded in the ear during the time between treatments
State all remarks made by the patient both directly after each treatment and about how they reported their condition was during the time leading to the following treatment and anything that you may have noticed about their condition, when you had consulted them on the following treatment session
Admission Requirements Return to Top ↑
The course is designed specifically for therapists working in drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres. It is also open to anybody with interest in acupuncture, auricular therapy and stress management.
Formal Anatomy & Physiology training is not required by highly recommended. Good command of both written and spoken English is essential
The list below is a student safety guide used prior undertaking a CCM course. We aim to protect the health and safety of students in training and also those they practise on during and after the course.
If you suffer from any of the conditions listed below or other conditions which have not been included that you feel are relevant, please inform us prior to class treatments so that we can assess you suitability for such treatment.
Where there is any doubt please consult your GP.
– A recent operation
– An untreated medical condition
– Severe Bone or joint disorders (Rheumatoid/Osteo arthritis, osteoporosis)
– Cardiovascular disorders (high blood pressure, heart / circulatory desease, thrombosis)
– Diabetes
– Endocrine disorders
– Epilepsy
– Drug addiction or recent use of cocktails of recreational and prescribed drugs and or excessive alcohol consumption
– Medication
– Pregnancy (or post natal)
– Severe skin disorders
– Severe mental illness
– Spinal injuries
– Prone to fainting
– If you suffer from infectious diseases like hepatitis b or HIV
You must also have eaten about 2 hours prior to treatment (please inform tutor if you haven’t
– If there anything else we should know about your health, please let the tutor know.
– The same proceeding is required prior to treating your clients or during assignments
Fee Return to Top ↑
Fill in and submit the following application form, you will then receive a confirmation email and will be asked for a £100.00 deposit.
The cost of the course is £180.00 per student (provided there are more than 6 people).
It includes:
– 2 eight-hour lectures
– a copy of the theoretical lecture
– ear charts & plastic ear model
– box of 100 disposable needles
There is also a £30 certification and examination fee for successful graduates.
(Please note that course fees are non-refundable)
Fees are directly payable by chq’s made out to your course tutor account
CCM cannot accept payment on behalf of each individual tutor
Tutor Return to Top ↑
Dragomir Lubomirov FAcS MPCHM
Vice Principal of the College of Chinese Medicine
Chair of the CCM Academic board
Tel. +44 7976 253682
Dragomir is a fully trained and insured practitioner of Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and acupressure massage, which he has practiced successfully since 1997. He has a Masters Degree in Clinical Neuroscience. He is a Fellow of the Acupuncture Society, one of the main professional organisations representing TCM and acupuncture practitioners in the UK. The Acupuncture Society is an active member of the Acupuncture Stakeholder Working Group set by the DoH to map the future of the acupuncture profession in the UK.
Dragomir is the Vice-Principal of CCM London since 2003 and a senior lecturer at the College. Based on his sports, martial arts, massage and acupuncture experience, he developed and has been teaching the Advanced Acupressure Massage Course at the College since 2000 both in the UK and abroad. At the College he teaches the Auricular Acupuncture for drug and alcohol rehabilitation and stress management, Acupuncture Meridian stretch, TCM Orthopaedic diagnosis and Orthopaedic and TCM Musculo-skeletal medicine Acupuncture courses.
His professional interests are:
– neural and anatomical correlates of the acupuncture meridian system
– multi-layered interconnectivity of the neuro-axis and especially the spinal inter-segmental connectivity
– stimulation-based approaches to body regulation and healing
– traditional and modern technological methods of stimulation of acupuncture points
– exercise as treatment for musculo-skeletal, mental/emotional and general health problems as well as health enhancement, learning and personal development
For more information about this course please contact Dragomir Lubomirov: Tel. 07976253682 or email:
Application Form
Return to Top ↑
Please submit this form and the course tutor will respond to your email to inform you of whether you have been accepted. If you have any queries about this course please contact
Dragomir on 07976253682 or email:
Acupuncture Society membership Return to Top ↑
Successful graduates from this course can apply for membership of the Acupuncture Society are entitled to use the abbreviations MAcS Auafter their names the society can also arrange professional indemnity insurance at a very competitive members preferential rate
all members must be insured and log 15 hours of CPD per year (8 hours courses/seminars/workshops and 7 hours home study/research)
Acupuncture Society Application Form
if they join the Society and adhere to its code of ethics rules and regulations and supply copies of their insurance.
Acupuncture Society members are exempted from Local Authority Licensing in many areas including Greater London please check with your local authority.
The annual membership to the Acupuncture Society is £100