Advanced Meridian Stretch

Meridian Stretch Massage

Advanced Meridian Stretch Certification Form

Advanced Meridian Stretch 3 Day CPD Course

The next course dates are:

26 and 27 April 2025

The cost of the course is £280

Contact Dragomir on or 0797 6253 682

Website :

Course OutlineOutline                                                                    Return to Top ↑

The course is based on three 7.5-hour sessions over a three day weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday)

It is designed as a postgraduate advanced CPD course for acupuncture, massage and other physical therapists and personal trainers who want to broaden their knowledge and further their skills. The course is also suitable for athletes, martial artists and anyone with an interest in sport and fitness, who wants to deepen his/hers understanding of the function of the musclulo-skeletal system and enhance their training.

The course includes a two-day theoretical part and a one-day practical session. The theory sessions cover the principle concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the Acupuncture meridian system, focuses on the precise pathways of the meridians in respect to the skeletal muscles, as well as the specific functions of the different meridian muscle groups. The second-day session of the course covers the different functional types of stretching and their underlying physiological

mechanisms. It focuses on the practical application of the principles and methods of stretching in the regulation of the acupuncture meridians and their respective muscles. The third practical session covers specific stretches for each of the different areas of the body with demonstration, explanation and individual practical work.

All students who complete the course are issued with Acupuncture meridian stretch attendance certificate, which counts as 22.5 hours towards CPD.

Successful graduates of this course will be awarded a Advanced Meridian Stretch Course CPD Certificate and will be accepted as a members of the Acupuncture Society. (annual membership £50 and student and proffessional indemnity cover cover can also be arranged)

Members of the Acupuncture Society, and are entitled to use the initials MAcS AMS after their names.

Course ContentContent                                                                   Return to Top ↑


At the end of the course students should achieve:
1. Concise theoretical knowledge of the Acupuncture Meridian System – the 12 main meridians and their respective muscles
2. Understanding of the physiological mechanisms of muscle tone regulation
3. Understanding the physiology of stretching and the different functional types of stretching
4. Personal experience and understanding of the application of Meridian stretching of the principle muscles of the extremities, shoulders and hips performed by oneself and to a partner



I: Theoretical lecture one
– TCM concepts of Yin and Yang and the 5 Elements
– TCM anatomy & physiology internal organs and vital substances
– acupuncture meridian system nature, composition and function
– pathways and muscles of the main 12 Regular meridians

II: Theoretical lecture two
– muscle structure extrinsic and intrinsic muscle fibres; fascia and tendon organs
– muscle tone regulation intrinsic muscle self-regulation; spinal reflexes; higher CNS motor control
– types of muscle contraction and tone tonic and phasic; isometric and isotonic; contraction and contracture; muscle hardness and tension
– physiology and types of stretching relaxation stretching; activation stretching; structural flexibility stretching

III: Practical lecture – calf, hamstring, toe extensors, quadriceps, groin, ankle, hip (piriformis and gluteals), finger flexors and extensors, shoulder (latisimus, teres major and minor, supraspinatus and biceps, infraspinatus and triceps)
– anatomy, function, meridians and common problems of the areas
– demonstration with explanation
– practical work in pairs
discussion – questions & comments

Course AdmissionAdmission Requirements                                Return to Top ↑

The course is designed as an intensive foundation course for therapists, personal trainers and people involved with fitness, sport and martial arts. The applicants would benefit from a previous Anatomy & Physiology study, although formal A&P is not required.


The list below is a student safety guide used prior undertaking a CCM course. We aim to protect the health and safety of students in training and also those they practise on during and after the course.

If you suffer from any of the conditions listed below or other conditions which have not been included that you feel are relevant, please inform us prior to class treatments so that we can assess you suitability for such treatment.

Where there is any doubt please consult your GP.

– A recent operation
– An untreated medical condition
– Severe Bone or joint disorders (Rheumatoid/Osteo arthritis, osteoporosis)
– Cardiovascular disorders (high blood pressure, heart / circulatory desease, thrombosis)
– Diabetes
– Endocrine disorders
– Epilepsy
– Drug addiction or recent use of cocktails of recreational and prescribed drugs and or exessive alcohol consumption
– Medication
– Pregnancy (or post natal)
– Severe skin disorders
– Severe mental illness
– Spinal injuries
– Prone to fainting
– If you suffer from infectious deseases like hepatitis b or HIV

You must also have eaten about 2 hours prior to treatment (please inform tutor if you haven’t

– If there anything else we should know about your health, please let the tutor know.
– The same proceeding is required prior to treating your clients or during assignments

Course FeeFee                                                                            Return to Top ↑

The cost of the course is £250.00*

* based on minimal 4 students
** reduced fees available to booking of 6 or more students enquire directly with the course tutor

It includes:

1. Three 7.5-hour sessions
2. Acupuncture meridians and muscles textbook (electronic)
3. Meridian stretches manual (electronic)

After successfully completing your course there is a £20 certification charge

(Please note that course fees are non-refundable)

Fees are directly payable by chq’s made out to your course tutor account

CCM cannot accept payment on behalf of each individual tutor

Course TutorTutor                                                                        Return to Top ↑

Dragomir Lubomirov FAcS MPCHM

Vice Principal of the College of Chinese Medicine

Chair of the CCM Academic board About Me #01

Tel. +44 7976 253682

Dragomir is a fully trained and insured practitioner of Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and acupressure massage, which he has practiced successfully since 1997. He has a Masters Degree in Clinical Neuroscience. He is a Fellow of the Acupuncture Society, one of the main professional organisations representing TCM and acupuncture practitioners in the UK. The Acupuncture Society is an active member of the Acupuncture Stakeholder Working Group set by the DoH to map the future of the acupuncture profession in the UK.

Dragomir is the Vice-Principal of CCM London since 2003 and a senior lecturer at the College. Based on his sports, martial arts, massage and acupuncture experience, he developed and has been teaching the Advanced Acupressure Massage Course at the College since 2000 both in the UK and abroad. At the College he teaches the Auricular Acupuncture for drug and alcohol rehabilitation and stress management, Acupuncture Meridian stretch, TCM Orthopaedic diagnosis and Orthopaedic and TCM Musculo-skeletal medicine Acupuncture courses.

His professional interests are:
– neural and anatomical correlates of the acupuncture meridian system
– multi-layered interconnectivity of the neuro-axis and especially the spinal inter-segmental connectivity
– stimulation-based approaches to body regulation and healing
– traditional and modern technological methods of stimulation of acupuncture points
– exercise as treatment for musculo-skeletal, mental/emotional and general health problems as well as health enhancement, learning and personal development

For more information about this course please contact Dragomir Lubomirov: Tel. 07976253682 or email:

Application FormApplication FormEnrollment ApplicationEnroll

                                                Return to Top ↑

Please submit this form and the course tutor will respond to your email to inform you of whether you have been accepted. If you have any queries about this course please contact
Dragomir on 07976253682 or email:

Acupuncture SocietyAcupuncture Society membership                Return to Top ↑

Successful graduates from this course will be awarded a Advanced Meridian Stretch Course CPD Certificate and can apply for membership of the Acupuncture Society. Acupuncture Society members are entitled to use the abbreviations MAcS AMS after their names the society can also arrange professional indemnity insurance at a very competitive members preferential rate

all members must be insured and log 15 hours of CPD per year (8 hours courses/seminars/workshops and 7 hours home study/research)

Acupuncture Society Application Form

if they join the Society and adhere to its code of ethics rules and regulations and supply copies of their insurance.

Acupuncture Society members are exempted from Local Authority Licensing in many areas including Greater London please check with your local authority.

The annual membership to the Acupuncture Society is £50
