Edinburgh Courses

Acupuncture Courses

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1. Chinese Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Traditional Diagnosis & Microsystems Acupuncture Degree Level Diploma Course (2 year)

2. Orthopaedic Acupuncture with Microsystems Acupuncture Diploma Course (1 year)

In Edinburgh

Online Options Available

Please text 0773 4668402 to arrange a Callback

All theory classes on Zoom on one Saturday afternoon per month, (these are recorded for those unable to attend).

One Monday and Tuesday per month: all day clinical practice

(Prospective Students who are interested in joining this course can attend Open Days on the following Mondays/Tuesdays free of charge by prior arrangement, to see how you like the course.  Email Paul to book your Open Day attendance: acusoc@yahoo.co.uk).

Location: Gathering Essence

10a Broughton Street Lane

Winter 2025 Break

Feb 10/11 2025
Mar 17/18  2025
Apr 21/22 2025
May 19/20 2025
June 16/17 2025
July 07/08 2025

Summer 2025 Break

Sept 15/16  2025
Oct 13/14 2025
Nov 17/18 2025
Dec 08/09/2025

Winter 2026 Break

Feb 23/24 2026
Mar 23/24 2026
Apr 13/14 2026
May 11/12 2026
June 15/16 2026
July  06/07 2026

Next Monday/Tuesday Course and Admission Dates

Summer 2026 Break

Sept 14/15 2026
Oct 12/13 2026
Nov 9/10 2026
Dec 07/08 2026

Zoom Theory Dates at 2pm
on the following Saturday afternoons:

Winter 2025 Break
8 February 2-6pm
15 March 2-6pm
19 April 2-6pm
17 May 2-6pm
14 June 2-6pm
5 July 2-6pm

Summer 2025 Break
13 September 2-6pm
11 October 2-6pm
15 November 2-6pm
6 December 2-6pm

Winter 2026 Break
21 February 2-6pm
21 March 2-6pm
11 April 2-6pm
9 May 2-6pm
13 June 2-6pm
4 July 2-6pm

Summer 2026 Break
12 September 2-6pm
10 October 2-6pm
7 November 2-6pm
5 December 2-6pm

For more information and to arrange an interview (by appointment only):
Contact Paul Robin acusoc@yahoo.co.uk txt or call 07734 668402

CCM Teaching Clinic, Supervised Subsidised Treatment by Students

Contact Paul on 0773 4668402 or acusoc@yahoo.co.uk

Subsidised Treatment Fees

£20 Acupuncture and or Chinese Herbal Medicine with 1 week supply of herbs and £50 with one months herbal supply

Here are the main course options:

1: 2 year Degree Level Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Microsystems & Diagnosis Diploma Course (option to cover acupuncture or herbal only) 20 x 1 Monday/Tuesday per month course over 2 years £2500 per year

2: 1 year Orthopaedic Body with Microsystems Acupuncture Diploma including Auricular Musculoskelital Acupuncture, Korean Hand and Chinese Scalp Acupuncture, Cosmetic Acupuncture, Facial Cupping and Gua Sha 10 x 1 Monday/Tuesday per month course over 1 year £2500

3: 2 year Degree Level Acupuncture and Diagnosis Diploma Couese for £2500 per year 20 x 1 Monday/Tuesday per month course over 2 years

4: 2 year Degree Level Herbal Medicine and Diagnosis Diploma Course for £2500 per year 20 x 1 Monday/Tuesday per month course over 2 years

2018 – 2 Year Degree Level Course Modules

Course Transcript Click Here

Mornings are Chinese Herbal and TCM Diagnosis

Afternoons are All Types of Acupuncture

This two year degree level course with and optional 3rd year clinical attachment and Tuina Training, is a practical professional training course to enable students to achieve high standards of competence, safety and confidence as practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

There is a further option to do this course as an Acupuncture and TCM Diagnosis course without Chinese Herbal Medicine.

Students will be applying TCM diagnosis and practising on each other under supervision in a clinical environment from their very first lesson as well as being taught the theoretical understanding of what they are learning because TCM is a practical subject and is best learnt in a practical way.

There are 10 weekend modules (20 contact days) in the first year and the same in the second year. Students can begin the course on any module and provided that all 10 (2 day) modules are successfully completed they can then proceed to the second year which has a similar continual arrangement.

The ‘Ethos of the College’ is to ‘fit treatments to patients’ rather than ‘patients to treatments’ thus depending on Traditional TCM diagnostic skills to make patient assessments rather than follow theories which may pre anticipate a patients condition. Accurate assessment is the key to successful and effective treatment, this is confirmed through Pulse, Face, Tongue, Eye and other Traditional Chinese methods of examination with targeted questioning about the patients condition and medical history.

The Clinical training aspects of the course are taught by Paul Brecher BA FAcS MPCHM Principal of The College of Chinese Medicine on Wednesdays and by Paul Robin Head TCM at The College of Chinese medicine and Chairman of the Acupuncture Society on Thursdays.

The weekend 1st and 2nd year classes in Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine and Diagnosis are run by Paul Robin

This object of this course is to achieve standards set out by the Acupuncture Society Accreditation process and is a professional training diploma course in Chinese acupuncture, herbal medicine and diagnosis, the emphasis is on achieving set standards of practical and clinical training. Students will be treating each other during the modules and through clinical experience combined with TCM theory to learn practical clinical skills in there correct setting.

The course will cover Chinese anatomy, meridians and points, pathology, pulse reading and analysis, tongue, face, Chinese Sclerology and skin diagnosis, TCM traditional, Auricular, Orthopaedic, Para spinal, Hand and Abdominal Microsystems,  and Cosmetic Acupuncture, knowledge of around 200 herbal medicines and their appropriate use in clinical practice. Students will be tested on the contents of each module.

This course is taught in the same practical way that a practitioner would treat their patients, this is the way masters taught students in china through the centuries.

We hear the patient describe their symptoms and explain any western medical diagnosis they may have been given, then we use traditional Chinese diagnostic methods to identify signs and formulate acupuncture and herbal formulas appropriate to the condition, either herbs, acupuncture or both.

The whole process is discussed in depth during the session.

Treatment formulations take into account what the patient has told the practitioner and what the practitioner has discovered through TCM diagnosis. By being taught how to incorporate all this information together the student can see the big picture from the onset.

There are 20 Lessons grouped together into 10 modules in each of the first and second years. The lectures are on one Monday and Tuesday per month, each lesson lasts 6 hours, from 9 am till 4 pm with a one hour break for lunch.


2025 Syllabus Lessons 

February 2025

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous months topics
Anti-inflammatory Herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion
Korean Hand Acupuncture & Magnetic Therapy
Making Patient Consultation Notes

Class Clinical Sessions:

1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st year Topics: * Liver Meridian Conditions, Points, Herbs and Syndrome

March 2025

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous months topics
Oedema Herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion
Tongue Face & Chinese Sclerology Diagnosis
Dr John Ttikarou
CCM Medical Lecture Oedema (1st & 2nd Year)

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st Year Topics: *Conception and Governing Meridians Conditions Points Herbs and Syndromes

April 2025 

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous months topics
Liver Herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion
Pulse Diagnosis
Dr John Ttikarou
CCM Medical Lecture Liver (1st & 2nd Year)

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st Year Topics: *Lung & large Intestine Meridians Herbs and Syndromes 

May 2025

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous months topics
Making Balms for Musculoskeletal conditions & Bi Syndromes
Auricular Acupuncture
Dr John Ttikarou
CCM Medical Lecture Musculoskeletal conditions (1st & 2nd Year)
Face Mandible Microsystem

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st Year Topics: *Stomach Meridian Herbs and Syndromes

June 2025

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous months topics
Anti-rheumatic Herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion
Traditional TCM Theory
Scalp Acupuncture Theory

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st Year Topics: *Spleen and Heart Meridian Herbs and Syndromes

July 2025

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous months topics
Astringent herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion
Pulse Diagnosis
Turtle Acupuncture

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st Year Topics: *Small Intestine Meridian Herbs and Syndromes

Sept 2025 

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous months topics
Clearing Heat Herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion
Herb Formulation Skills
Dr John Ttikarou
CCM Medical Lecture Cardiovascular and Blood disease (1st & 2nd Year)

Cosmetic acupuncture theory

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st Year Topics: *Bladder Meridian Herbs and Syndromes

October 2025 

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous months topics
Replenishing Essence herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion
Formulas and Strategies Herbal Topics 1
Spinal Acupuncture Theory

Dr John Ttikarou
CCM Medical Lecture
Orthopaedic Joint & Articulation Functional Assessment

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st Year Topics: *Kidney and Pericardium Meridian Herbs and Syndromes

November 2025

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous months topics
Dampness Herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion
Tongue Face & Chinese Sclerology Diagnosis
Auricular Acupuncture Point Drawing

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st Year Topics: *Triple Warmer Meridian Herbs and Syndromes

December 2025

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous months topics
Blood Tonics Herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion
Pulse Diagnosis
Korean Hand Acupuncture

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st Year Topics: *Gall Bladder Meridian Herbs and Syndromes

2026 Syllabus Lessons 

February 2026

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous months topics
Blood Stasis Herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion
TCM Diagnosis and Discussion

Orthopaedic Acupuncture Drawing

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st Year Topics: *Liver Meridian Herbs and Syndromes

March 2026

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous month’s topics
Hemostatic Herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion

Tongue Face & Chinese Sclerology Diagnosis
Occupational Standards & Professional Ethics

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st Year Topics: *Conception and Governing Meridian Herbs and Syndromes

April 2026

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous months topics
Spleen Tonic Herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion
Pulse Diagnosis
Classical Formulas Analysis

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st Year Topics: *Lung and Large Intestine Meridian Herbs and Syndromes

May 2026

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous months topics
Kidney Yin/Yang Herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion
Auricular Acupuncture
Consultation and Case History

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st Year Topics: *Stomach Meridian Herbs and Syndromes

June 2026

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous months topics
Cardiovascular Herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion
Making Balms for Skin Conditions
Basic Needle Insertion Techniques
Scalp Acupuncture

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st Year Topics: *Spleen and Heart Meridian Herbs and Syndromes

July 2026

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous months topics
Gastroenteric Herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion
Tongue Face & Chinese Sclerology Diagnosis
Cosmetic Acupuncture with facial gua sha and cupping theory

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st Year Topics: *Small intestine Meridian Herbs and Syndromes

Sept 2026

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous months topics
Genito-urinary Herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion
Herbal Formulation Skills
Sacred Turtle Acupuncture theory1st year: Meridian Theory & Clinical

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st Year Topics: *Bladder Meridian Herbs and Syndromes

October  2026

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

John Ttikarou Medical Lecture on Red and Yellow Flags
Virus Herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion
Formulas and Strategies Herbal Topics 2
Spinal Acupuncture, Needle Manipulation, Qi Gong

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development 1st Year

Topics: *Kidney and Pericardium Meridian Herbs and Syndromes

November 2026

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous months topics
Gynecological Herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion
Auricular Acupuncture
Code of Ethics and Safe Practice

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st Year Topics: *Triple Warmer Meridian Herbs and Syndromes

December 2026

Zoom Theory Lessons
One Saturday afternoon per month 2pm to 6pm

Discussion of previous months topics
Dermatological Herbal Topic Diagnosis and Discussion
Pulse Diagnosis
Deadman Head and Face Drawings

Class Clinical Sessions:
1st year: Clinical applications of this month topics and meridians 
2nd year:  Clinical experience and practitioner development

1st Year Topics: *Gall Bladder Meridian Herbs & Syndroms


is based around focusing on the study of the previous month’s lesson content and includes creating cut/paste research articles on the monthly topic from a Medical vs TCM perspective and learning monthly meridians, microsystems and theories through home study and online quizzes, these help you focus on what’s important to remember,  also there are analysis test tables for acupuncture with diagnosis and herbal medicine with diagnosis which help you learn multiple actions of herbs and points,  to connect them together with diagnostic signs from pulse face tongue and eye examinations

2 year Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine Degree Level Diploma course

(with Traditional Diagnosis and Microsystems Acupuncture)

20 x 1 Monday and Tuesday per month course over 2 years £2500 per year

Learn TCM Pulse Face Tongue Eye and Syndrome Diagnosis with Full Body Acupuncture and Needle Manipulation with Qi gong, Advanced Auricular Acupuncture for Musculo skeletal & Health conditions, Orthopaedic Body Acupuncture, Korean Hand & Cosmetic Acupuncture

*Please note that this degree level diploma course is accredited by the acupuncture society and not by a university

1 year Orthopaedic Body with Microsystems Acupuncture Diploma Course

(including Auricular Musculoskelital Acupuncture, Korean Hand and Chinese Scalp Acupuncture, Cosmetic Acupuncture, Facial Cupping and Gua Sha)

Teacher : Paul Robin FAcS MPCHM MCAA
Duration : 1 year over 1x Monday/Tuesday per month

10 x 1 Monday/Tuesday per month course over 1 year £2500

1 year Orthopaedic & Microsystems Acupuncture Diploma course Scotland

contact hours
160 (8 hours per day over 20 days)
Home study
312 (6 hours per week)

Total Contact and Home Study Hours 472 (over 1 year)


1 year Orthopaedic & Microsystems Acupuncture Diploma


Fee : £2500
Deposit : £900

Per day rate is £150

After successfully completing your course there is a £30 certification charge


Membership to the Acupuncture Society is available to course attendees
(upon paying the annual membership fee of £100)


(Please note that course fees are non-refundable)

Fees are directly payable by chq’s made out to your course tutor account

CCM cannot accept payment on behalf of each individual tutor

Admission Requirements

Prospective students should be Qualified in anatomy and physiology level 3 or above,  (if not please go to the following link to enrol on our recommended anatomy,  physiology and pathology level 3 online course,  this must be completed prior to taking your final exams



Learn how to needle all joints and articulation to treat a large variety of common musculoskelital, traumatic, sports and orthopaedic conditions


The course is specifically designed as an advanced, intensive course for therapists, who wish to broaden their knowledge, further their skills and

treatment outcomes.

The emphasis of the course falls on the practical application of Orthopeadic and Microsystems acupuncture as a treatment for a variety of musculoskeletal and sports conditions.

The course focuses on correct deep needling of all the articulations, joints and muscle relaxing points within the body

and we also cover simillar applications using Auricular and all microsystems Acupuncture

This is a practical clinical attachment based course, students will also be taught Chinese Pulse, Face, Tongue and Irridology diagnosis and will administer treatment to real patients and other students who attend our subsidised Teaching Clinic

Successful graduates will be awarded a Diploma in Orthopaedic Acupuncture and Microsystems and will be entitled to use the initials Dip OA after thier names and will be accepted as a members of the Acupuncture Society. (annual membership £100 and student and proffessional indemnity cover cover can also be arranged)

Members of the Acupuncture Society, and are entitled to use the initials MAcS OAM after their names.

Course Objectives for Orthopaedic Body with Auricular Acupuncture Diploma Course

The course is specifically designed as an advanced, intensive course for therapists, who wish to broaden their knowledge, further their skills and treatment outcomes.

The emphasis of the course falls on the practical application of acupuncture as a treatment for a variety of musculoskeletal and sports conditions.

The course focuses on correct deep needling of all the articulations, joints and muscle relaxing points within the body and auxiliary uses of microsystems acupuncture

