Mo Yao, also known as Myrrh or Resina Commiphora, is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) herb that has been used for centuries. Here’s some information on its uses, limited research, and contraindications in TCM:

1. Uses in TCM: Mo Yao is commonly used in TCM to invigorate the blood, promote circulation, and relieve pain. It is often recommended for conditions such as traumatic injuries, swelling, and pain associated with conditions like arthritis, bruises, or menstrual disorders. Mo Yao is believed to have warming and analgesic properties, making it useful for conditions that involve stasis or stagnation of blood.

2. Research: Mo Yao has been subject to some scientific research, though limited specifically to TCM applications. Studies have indicated that it may possess anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties. Mo Yao is sometimes studied in combination with other herbs, and research suggests potential benefits such as promoting wound healing and reducing inflammation. However, additional research is needed to further understand its mechanisms and applications for specific health conditions.

3. Contraindications: Mo Yao is generally considered safe when used appropriately. However, as with any herbal medicine, individual responses and contraindications may vary. It is important to note that Mo Yao should be used with caution during pregnancy. Additionally, individuals with excessive heat or conditions marked by bleeding disorders should consult with a qualified TCM practitioner or healthcare professional before using Mo Yao.

As always, I strongly recommend consulting with a qualified TCM practitioner or healthcare professional before using Mo Yao or any other herb. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific health condition, consider potential contraindications or interactions with other herbs or medications, and determine the appropriate dosage and method of administration.

Please note that the information provided is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Always seek guidance from a qualified healthcare professional for personalized recommendations related to your specific health concerns.

Dosage 2 tsin
Granules 1ml Spoon
Ground Raw Herb 2ml Spoon
Whole Herb 6gm
