Xiang Fu, also known as Nutgrass Rhizome or Cyperus Rotundus, is an herb used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with specific uses, limited research findings, and a few contraindications. Here is some information regarding its uses, research findings, and contraindications:

TCM Uses:
1. Promotes Qi movement and regulates menstruation: Xiang Fu is commonly used in TCM to promote the movement of Qi (vital energy) and regulate menstruation. It is often helpful for menstrual disorders such as irregular periods, abdominal pain, and menstrual cramps.

2. Soothes the liver and relieves emotional stagnation: It is believed to have properties that can soothe the liver, release emotional stagnation, and alleviate symptoms such as irritability, mood swings, and feelings of frustration.

3. Harmonizes the middle burner: Xiang Fu is used in TCM to harmonize the middle burner, or the digestive system. It can help with symptoms such as bloating, poor appetite, and indigestion.

Research Findings:
1. Gastroprotective effects: Some studies have indicated that Xiang Fu may have gastroprotective properties, potentially helping to protect the stomach lining and reduce the risk of gastric ulcers.

2. Antioxidant effects: Xiang Fu contains compounds that exhibit antioxidant effects, which may contribute to its potential protective effects against oxidative stress and cellular damage.

3. Anti-inflammatory effects: Preliminary research suggests that Xiang Fu may have anti-inflammatory effects, which can be beneficial in reducing inflammation and associated symptoms.

1. Pregnancy: Xiang Fu is known to have emmenagogue properties, meaning it stimulates blood flow to the pelvic area. As a precaution, it is generally best to avoid using Xiang Fu during pregnancy unless specifically recommended and supervised by a qualified healthcare professional.

2. Yin deficiency: Xiang Fu is considered a warming herb, and in TCM theory, it is generally contraindicated for individuals with Yin deficiency or heat patterns.

3. High doses and long-term use: Prolonged or excessive use of Xiang Fu may potentially lead to gastrointestinal discomfort or adverse effects. It is advisable to use it under the guidance of a qualified TCM practitioner.

It is essential to consult with a qualified TCM practitioner or healthcare professional before using Xiang Fu. They can provide personalized guidance, assess contraindications, and ensure the safe and appropriate use of this herb in relation to your specific circumstances.

Dosage 3 tsin
Granules 1.5ml Spoon
Ground Raw Herb 3ml Spoon
Whole Herb 9gm
