Tian Nan Xing, also known as Arisaema Rhizome, is a commonly used herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with various uses, research findings, and contraindications. Here’s an overview:

TCM Uses:
1. Clears phlegm and dissipates nodules: Tian Nan Xing is often used to treat conditions involving phlegm accumulation, such as cough, wheezing, and sputum.

2. Resolves dampness and reduces swelling: It can help alleviate symptoms like edema and swelling caused by dampness.

3. Dispels wind and relieves pain: Tian Nan Xing is used for conditions related to wind-dampness, including joint pain, rheumatism, and arthritis.

4. Treats convulsions and seizures: It has been traditionally used to address convulsive disorders, although caution is necessary due to its potential toxicity.

Research Findings:
1. Antitumor activity: Certain compounds in Tian Nan Xing have shown potential antitumor effects and have been studied for their ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

2. Anti-inflammatory properties: Research suggests that Tian Nan Xing may possess anti-inflammatory effects, making it useful in conditions characterized by inflammation.

3. Antifungal activity: Studies have investigated the efficacy of Tian Nan Xing against fungal infections, and some compounds have demonstrated antifungal properties.

4. Neuroprotective effects: Preliminary research suggests that Tian Nan Xing may have neuroprotective properties, with potential applications in neurodegenerative diseases.

1. Pregnancy: Tian Nan Xing is contraindicated during pregnancy due to its potential toxicity and negative effects on fetal development.

2. Internal use without guidance: Tian Nan Xing contains compounds that can be toxic if not properly processed. It should only be used under the guidance of a qualified TCM practitioner to ensure appropriate dosage and preparation.

3. Allergies: Individuals with known allergies to Arisaema plants should avoid using Tian Nan Xing to prevent allergic reactions.

4. Other contraindications: Tian Nan Xing should be used with caution or avoided in cases of heat accumulation, yin deficiency, and excess conditions as it may exacerbate the symptoms.

Please note that TCM herbs should be used under the guidance of a qualified practitioner, and it’s essential to consult with them or a healthcare professional before incorporating Tian Nan Xing or any other herbal remedy into your healthcare routine.

Dosage 2 tsin
Granules 1ml Spoon
Ground Raw Herb 2ml Spoon
Whole Herb 6gm
